Saturday, May 11, 2019

Lunch - 5/10/2019 and June 14th

Chapter 10 Lunch - Yesterday and June 14th
We had a good turnout at yesterday's Chapter 10 lunch with 30 people attending, including three couples that were there for the first time. We discussed the April Rally; all the comments were positive with one area that needs improvement, we had not determined the Rally fee in advance as we normally do.  Dave Metzger said that he was going to investigate the possibility of Chapter 10 having some activity at the Alabama-Coushatta Indian reservation (Naskila gaming facility). Someone pointed out that they have RV parking. The soonest we would probably do anything there would be in the fall. Donna Swanson suggested that Jerry's in Onalaska would be a good location for lunch,  she says they have a room we could use for our meeting. Dave Metzger said he would check it out.

The Chapter 10 lunch for June will be Friday, June 14th at 1 p.m. at La Casita.
La Casita
215 S Washington Ave
Livingston, TX. 77351

Please remember to bring your badges. I encourage wearing badges at all Escapee events, helps everyone remember your name.

Visitors and guests are encouraged to attend. You'll be made to feel welcome.

Agenda: (Meeting will start after everyone has ordered - hopefully before food starts to arrive)
Welcome - Introduction of Officers
Pledge of Allegiance
Blessing on the food - I will ask for a
volunteer, if none I will give the blessing
Introduction of visitors and guests
Introduction of all present
Birthdays and anniversaries

Chapter dues,  $5 per year.
Officers: President, David Horton; Vice-President, Dave Metzger; Treasurer, Dan Day; Secretary, Carolee Day
Facebook page: Rainbow Chapter 10 of Escapees Social Network, Inc.
David Horton

Friday, May 3, 2019

May 2019 Chapter 10 lunch

Chapter 10 Lunch - next Friday
The Chapter 10 lunch for May will be next Friday. It will be on Friday May 10th at 1 p.m. at La Casita.
La Casita
215 S Washington Ave
Livingston, TX. 77351

Please remember to bring your badges. I encourage wearing badges at all Escapee events, helps everyone remember your name.

Visitors and guests are encouraged to attend. You'll be made to feel welcome.

Agenda: (Meeting will start after everyone has ordered - hopefully before food starts to arrive)
Welcome - Introduction of Officers
Pledge of Allegiance
Blessing on the food - I will ask for a
volunteer, if none I will give the blessing
Introduction of visitors and guests
Introduction of all present
Birthdays and anniversaries
Discussion of last month's Rally

While I was not able to attend the rally last month in Eunice Louisiana, we had a great turnout. The feedback that I have heard was the people had a good time. I am looking for feedback either at the luncheon or via email or a phone call of any input you have on the rally. Such as why you think we had such a good turnout and what went really well and what could have used some improvement.  My thanks to Dave and Kathy Metgzer for researching and planning the rally and to Dan and Carolee Day for being in charge at the rally and to all that attended and helped to make the rally a success.

Chapter dues,  $5 per year.
Officers: President, David Horton; Vice-President, Dave Metgzer; Treasurer, Dan Day; Secretary, Carolee Day
Facebook page: Rainbow Chapter 10 of Escapees Social Network, Inc.
David Horton