Thursday, August 1, 2013

Loss of Sandra Machen and August 10th meeting

I'm sure you all know by now that we lost Sandra a week or so ago.  She was quite a trooper in spite of being so sick.  She did our local quilt guild's newsletter right up through the June issue for us. Look on the Livingston Piecemakers Quilt Guild FB page and see a great picture of Sandra selling raffle tickets last Dec. in town Christmas event.  I'm told her casket had her favorite quilt on it instead of flowers.  So appropriate.
I'm in Heiskell, TN at the SKP park this week getting over a stomach bug.  I leave tomorrow for Butler, PA.
Bruce Horton had back surgery in Houston this week so we all wish him a speedy recovery.
I've had problems with google e-mail for about a month now.  Finally got that resolved this morning so I can write to y'all.
Anyone able, the meeting will be at Hughes Catfish Inn on Rte 59, Goodrich, TX. 1 P.M. on Aug 10th.
SKP hugs, Patty